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The Pros And Cons Of Trendy Home Designs

We all want our homes to look great and feel cozy. But we don’t want them to appear outdated or gaudy in the pursuit. Home design magazines and TV shows offer all kinds of trendy suggestions. Yet not all of their home design trends actually work. 

That’s because popular home designs can be a double-edged sword. They’re good for a while and then not-so-good shortly after. So, while your house may sparkle for a bit, it probably won’t last very long. 

The good news is that not all trends age the same. Some become beacons of style or relics of an era instead of features in family photos we hide. But what’s the difference between trendy and timeless? Better yet, what are the pros and cons of incorporating the latest fad? 

The Difference Between Trendy and Timeless 

Trendy is just another word for popular, fashionable, or chic. However, what people find attractive can change with time. So, trendy home designs are often more fashionable than they are functional. They might also go out of the style quickly. 

On the other hand, timeless home designs are usually understated, simple, and elegant. They’re highly functional and can withstand the test of time. Timeless beauty communicates subtlety and adaptability without being bland or boring. 

DID YOU KNOW: There are countless ways to mix trendy and timeless design concepts. 

The Pros and Cons of Trendy Designs in Your Home 
Creating a classic crib is one way to impress the neighbors. But why can’t your house be the one that inspires a remix? Either way, here are some pros and cons to consider before following the crowd:  


These are the top four factors that make trendy home designs so appealing. 

#1. Trending Designs Look Fantastic in the Moment. 

Most home design fads become popular for a good reason. And since trends can be difficult to follow, there’s a sense of urgency to all of them. Thus, having the latest and greatest home design is worth some significant street cred. 

But you’ll earn more than bragging rights when your pad is up to par. Trendy decorations and layouts also convey style, sass, and sophistication. They say, “I know how to embrace change and live in the moment,” or at least that you have a sense of humor.

#2. Your Take on Trends Can Transform the Game. 

No two people see things the same. So, each person’s perspective can help shape the world in dynamic ways. Take following trends, for example. Your vision probably won’t match anyone else’s, and that’s a trend all on its own. 

People interpret patterns, colors, shapes, logos, and images differently. So, no two customized homes are ever the same either. And that’s true even if they draw from similar inspiration, whether trendy, timeless, or somewhere in between. 

#3. Certain Trends Can Highlight Your Personality.

The personalities in your family are complex, and they develop right under your roof. So, while people grow and fads change quickly, saying yes to some trendy design features can help you keep a record of it all. 

Beautiful homes aren’t just for first impressions anymore. They’re also for self-expression and style experimentation. Meaningful trends let homeowners explore their favorite personality traits instead of worrying solely about the resale value. 

#4. Trends Are Easy to Find and Replicate. 

By definition, trends are everywhere. Home design publications get their fill of sharing examples, and home remodeling faithfully stores follow suit. Meanwhile, homeowners can freely mix and match to create their own unique designs.

At the same time, you can replicate many trendy features with inexpensive elements. A quick reconfiguration of the lighting might be all it takes. However, swapping old fixtures, creating built-ins, or restructuring the layout may make more sense. 


These are the top four factors that make trendy home designs not such a good idea. 

#1. Trends Can Come and Go Quickly. 

Some home design trends need to die and never come back. Who doesn’t have nightmares about long walls of brown plywood paneling? And why did we ever think popcorn ceiling was a good idea? Thankfully, fads come and go. 

On the flip side, all that coming and going can make “keeping up with the Joneses” more difficult. It may even mean you end up redecorating or remodeling your home several times. And if you have time for that, you’re probably the one setting the pace anyway. 

#2. Looking Back, You May Feel Silly.

We all have a family member with a faded photo of them in bell bottom jeans. Someone had big hair and almost everyone born before 1990 had shag carpeting. But as society matured, so too did our expectations of style. 

Looking back, we wish for better choices. We may have worn more sensible pants or opted for low-pile carpeting instead. Either way, we learned from our mistakes and only follow trends with staying power now (usually). 

#3. Certain Elements May Not Mesh with Parts of Your Home.

Home design trends are fun in theory but they don’t always meld with the layout of your house. Take the open concept trend, for example. It may look great and increase the flow of your space, but it might also ruin what you’ve got going on in another room. Plus, it’s already going out of style

Try to choose fads that won’t make your house look dated too quickly. And keep in mind that some trends may use colors or patterns that clash with the rest of your home. So, get ready for a complete remodel if you pick something extreme. 

#4. Not All Contractors Are Familiar with Home Design Trends. 

Since home remodeling fads come and go so fast, many contractors just stick to the basics. But that can be frustrating to a homeowner who’s ready to get creative. And it can also mean higher prices on home remodeling projects across the board. 

Unfortunately, not all contractors can handle custom orders of such variable magnitude. Instead, they try to convince homeowners that something simpler would be better. So, while loving new home design trends is easy, finding someone to do the work can be a challenge. 

TIP: Work with a full-service team to customize a design before your favorite trend goes out of style. 

How to Create a Timeless Home Design with Trendy Concepts 
Combining trendiness with timelessness isn’t easy. But these five steps can help make it seem like less of a headache: 

  1. Consider Your Favorite Trends – Determine what you like and don’t like about them. 
  2. Think About the Trend in the Future – How do you think the fad will look in 5-10 years?
  3. Pull Out the Best Elements – Choose the aspects that suit your personality and property. 
  4. Find Those Elements in Timeless Features – Discover new ways to use traditional concepts. 
  5. Combine with a Remodel – Stake your claim alongside professional advisors. 

Incorporating new home design trends into your existing décor should be fun and exciting, not taxing and burdensome. So, don’t forget to ask an interior designer for inspiration. 

Timelessly Trendy with Cornerstone 
Cornerstone Remodeling sets the bar for timeless beauty and trending home designs. We were voted Baltimore’s Best of 2021 and stand firm on our ability to seamlessly combine fads with classics. So, find out what works and what doesn’t today. Contact someone on our team to learn about the process or get a virtual quote when you have three minutes to spare. 

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